Wednesday, June 18, 2008

E-Verify Programe a Go or a No?

Assemblymember Felipe Fuentes introduced - Bill AB 2076 that passed in the California Assembly - that would prohibited state and local government in California from using the Federal E-Verify System to the determine if their employee's are legally eligible to work in the United States. The legislation would also discourage privet employers from using the system.

What Felipe Fuentes and everybody who support this bill is really saying; come one, come all, and lets under cut the American worker. (Shameful!) I believe if employees in the state of California were checked by this E-Verify System, over half would be fire from states and government jobs because of their status.(That's just my opinion.)That why lawmaker support the illegality that is taking place in California and all over the nation. ( Let me clarify, I know there are many reason why our lawmaker support the plight of the illegals and their advocates.)

Read more and take action:

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